Manual Instalation
Download latest binary
- Create a new directory named “.avail” in your home/$USER
1cd2mkdir -p .avail/bin3cd .avail/bin
- Head over to the latest binary release, for this guide we’re using x86_64-ubuntu-2204 (opens in a new tab)
- Inside our new ~/.avail/bin folder we download the binary
Extract the binary
1tar -xf x86_64-ubuntu-2204-avail-node.tar.gz2mv avail-node availd3rm -rf x86_64-ubuntu-2204-avail-node.tar.gz
Create service file
To run a validator, add the '--validator' flag to your service command.
1sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/availd.service > /dev/null <<EOF2[Unit]3Description=Avail Node4After=network.target5StartLimitIntervalSec=067[Service]8User=$USER9Type=simple10Restart=always11RestartSec=12012ExecStart=/home/$USER/.avail/bin/availd --base-path /home/$USER/.avail/data --chain mainnet --rpc-external --rpc-port 9944 --rpc-cors=all --port 30333 --name "My Node Name"1314[Install]15WantedBy=multi-user.target16EOF
Enable and start service
1sudo systemctl daemon-reload2sudo systemctl enable availd.service --now3sudo journalctl -u availd -f